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Working from Home

Posted: September 30th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Work | No Comments »

This whole H1N1 thing has really put a damper in day to day activities. Just being able to have a social life of any kind is out of the question. I was at SuperStore the other day getting some pills when I ran into a friends sister, without thinking I shook her hand only to retract it with an immediate sense that I had done something wrong. I looked her square in the face and said “I have to go now.” Thankfully a quick text message to her brother and she was informed of her impending doom, I hope she is well.

Not being allowed to go to work has been strange. Of course I don’t mind being there while I’m sick but I’m sure my co-workers would have something to say about it. As strange as it has been, I’ve actually found myself quite productive in this satellite state. It’s as if the restrictions have been lifted and I’m free to go about working on things as I please. For example, today I delved into the inner workings of cloud computing and the competitive pricing models that are currently available, all the while build linux compute node images and migrating them with the Amazon EC2 cloud. Although I did happen to lose some hair while dealing with NFS. Which was OK considering I’m isolated anyways and therefore have no one to see my hair lose. I did however get an absolutely retarded picture of my mates chilling at pub and holding a glass up in honour of my absence. Thank God for iPhones.

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