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Backup and Restore Lion Wiki

Posted: November 7th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Blog, Collaboration, Mac OS X Server, Migrate | Tags: | No Comments »

Backup the Collaboration Database

on the server running the wiki open a terminal and paste the following into the file










BACKUPFILE=`date +%Y%m%d`-wikibackup.tar.gz
/usr/bin/pg_dump -U $PGUSER collab -c -f /Library/Server/PostgreSQL/Backup/collab.sql
tar -cvzf /Users/admin/Backups/$BACKUPFILE /Library/Server

Save and exit the file, then do the following

chmod +x
sudo ./

This will create the file wiki-backup.tar.gz in the /Users/admin/Backups folder

Prep the migration file

Copy this file to the new server, untar it.

Then follow this procedure.

1. Open and turn on wiki
2. Open terminal and find pgsql process (ps aux | grep pgsql) , copy it to clipboard
3. Stop wiki server
4. open terminal and enter  psql -U _postgres -d collab -f /Library/Server/PostgreSQL/Backup/collab.sql

5. a bunch of shit will fly by, forget about it.

6. copy the Wiki folder from our backup into /Library/Server

7. Repair permissions
8. Turn on wiki, pray

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